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Every Pilgrim's Guide to Assisi

And Other Franciscan Sites

Every Pilgrim's Guide to Assisi

And Other Franciscan Sites

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Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich
ISBN: 9781853114182
Number of Pages: 160
Published: 01/01/2002
Width: 12.9 cm
Height: 19.8 cm

Assisi, Greccio and neighbouring places associated with St Francis and St Clare are among the world's most popular pilgrim destinations. This pocket guide is the perfect travelling companion for all visitors to this beautiful region of Italy. Written by an experienced tour leader, it includes a blend of historical and practical tourist information, illustrations, maps and street plans, to enable visitors to make the most of their stay. Festivals associated with Francis, especially the blessing of the Christmas crib, are celebrated with great gusto and this book explains what special treats visitors can experience at different times of the year.

Judith Dean, Molly Dowell, Colin Dunn

Judith Dean, a language teacher, is married to the Managing Director of Pax Travel, one of the leading religious tour operators. this agency alone takes more than a thousand visitors to Assisi every year and numbers are growing and Judith leads an everage of ten 'In the Steps of St Francis' tours each year. She lives in Baldock, Hertfordshire.

"Every Pilgrim's Guide to Assisi is a simple guidebook, with lovely black-an-white drawings and helpful maps, geared to the pilgrim exploring the area's spiritual legacy. (...)Judith Dean has a wonderful explanation of the message in every fresco and includes Francis's prayers at appropriate points. (...) This is an excellent, lightweight book." Barbara Beckwith, St. Anthony Messenger,October 2006.


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