Prayers for an Inclusive Church
Resources for Sundays and Holy Days
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Inclusive theology has gained huge momentum since the Inclusive Church Movement was formed in 2003. Prayers for an Inclusive Church is a significant liturgical resource that is the first major contribution in this field since Janet Morley's "All Desires Known" published in 1992. It draws on the rich biblical imagery of the lectionary readings to create prayers with poetic immediacy, theological depth and striking beauty. Designed to be used with Common Worship, it includes: a collect for every Sunday in the three year cycle, key festivals and for each season and major saint's day; a form of confession; an introduction to the peace, a eucharistic prayer, postcommunion prayers, and final blessings. An introduction sets out the theological rationale for the prayers and explores the processes of writing and using prayers with an inclusive theological basis.
'Inspired by authorised prayers and innovative liturgies, scripture and tradition, and various collections, notably Janet Morley's "All Desires Known," these collects should be valuable for planning liturgies for small groups, perhaps as a starting point for their own creativity.' -- Pat Pinsent