Israel and the Nations
Paul's Gospel in the Context of Jewish Expectation
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Israel and the Nations: Paul's Gospel in the Context of Jewish Expectation provides various perspectives of leading contemporary scholars concerning Paul’s message, particularly his expressed expectation of the end-time redemption of Israel and its relation to the Gentiles, the non-Jewish nations, in the context of Jewish eschatological expectation. The contributors engage the increasingly contentious enigmas relating to Paul’s Jewishness: had his perception of living in a new era in Christ and anticipating an imminent final consummation moved him beyond the bounds of what his contemporaries would have considered Judaism, or did Paul continue to think and act “within Judaism”?
Part 1: Paul the Apostle in the Context of Jewish Eschatological Apocalyptical Notions
Chapter One The Making and Unmaking of Jews in Second Century BCE Literature and the Implication for Interpreting Paul Genevive Dibley
Chapter Two Paul and the Joining of the Ways: Ordering the Eschaton, Preparing for Judgment
Anders Runesson
Chapter Three From Aristeas to the Apocalypse of Abraham: A Survey of Some Hellenistic Jewish Texts Relating to the Issue of Israel and its Relationship to the Other Nations
Eric Noffke
Chapter Four What Eschatological Pilgrimage of the Gentiles? Matthew V. Novenson
Chapter Five Eschatological Universalism, the Nations, and the Jewish Apocalyptic Paul
Loren T. Stuckenbruck
Chapter Six Did the LXX of the Twelve Prophets Contribute to the Eschatological Opening to the Nations? Patrick Pouchelle
Chapter Seven Paul Between Judaism and Hellenism Imre Peres
Part 2: The Specifics of Paul’s Message Concerning End-Time Redemption of Israel and Its Role
Towards the Nations (ethne)
Chapter Eight Israel (and Israelites) in Paul, Particularly in Galatians Michael Bachmann
Chapter Nine Bending Knees and Acknowledging Tongues (Phil 2:9–11) – The Nations’ Loyalty to the God of Israel in the Shadow of the Empire Kathy Ehrensperger
Chapter Ten ‘“But It Is Not as Though the Word of God Had Failed’: Israel as a Sub-Text in Romans?” William S. Campbell
Chapter Eleven The Ins and Outs of Paul’s Israelite Remnant Joshua Garroway
Chapter Twelve The Gentile as Insider and Outsider in Paul’s Letter to the Romans
Kenneth Atkinson
Chapter Thirteen “If you are called a Judean ….” (Rom 2:17): Paul and his Interlocutor
Markus Öhler
Chapter Fourteen “All Israel Will Be Saved” or “Kept Safe”? (Rom 11:26): Israel’s Conversion or Irrevocable Calling to Gospel the Nations? Mark D. Nanos
Chapter Fifteen Paul, the Israelite, on Israel and the Gentiles at the End of Time: Reflections on Rom 9–11 Karl-Wilhelm Niebuhr
Chapter Sixteen Pesher Concerning Righteousness (Romans 10:5–13) in Relation to the Response of Jews and Gentiles to the Gospel František Ábel