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«Take off your sandals from your feet!»

An Exegetical Study of Josh 5,13-15

«Take off your sandals from your feet!»

An Exegetical Study of Josh 5,13-15

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: Peter Lang AG
ISBN: 9783631575994
Number of Pages: 408
Published: 06/03/2008
Width: 17 cm
Height: 24 cm
The aim of this exegetical study of Josh 5,13-15 is to propose an understanding of this short narrative in its own proximate (Josh 1-6) but also larger (Gen-Josh) context. It shows that the triple installation of Joshua into his leading role – by Eleazar, Moses, and directly by Yahweh – is crucial for an understanding of our text. The final divine installation provides Joshua with the same authority as Moses. Joshua as leader, enjoying the same assistance from Yahweh as did Moses, is the only prophet like Moses under whom the final realization of the promise – the entry into the Promised Land – will take place. The salvific era inaugurated in Exod 3 extends right up to Josh 3-4. Thus Yahweh’s encounter with Joshua (5,13-15) inaugurates a new salvific era. Its narrator evokes the fulfilment of the ancient promise and its actualisation through deliberate links to the theophanies of the patriarchs and creates an unshakable hope that the gift of land will be realised.
Contents: Status quaestionis – Methodology and the Text of Josh 5,13-15 – Joshua Succeeds Moses – The Prophet Like Moses – Joshua’s Encounter with Yahweh.

Blazej Strba

The Author: Blažej Štrba, born in 1971 in Nová Bana (Slovakia), studied Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University and was ordained priest for the Diocese of Banská Bystrica in 1997. He studied at the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, at the Hebrew University and Studium Biblicum Franciscanum in Jerusalem, where he completed his Doctorate in Sacred Scripture. He is currently editor of Studia Biblica Slovaca and teaches Old Testament exegesis in the Theological Faculty of the Comenius University of Bratislava at Badín (Slovakia).

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