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«He of Whom It Is Written»

John the Baptist and Elijah in Luke

«He of Whom It Is Written»

John the Baptist and Elijah in Luke

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Publisher: Peter Lang AG
ISBN: 9783631605509
Number of Pages: 296
Published: 14/10/2010
Width: 17 cm
Height: 24 cm
Scholarly discussion concerning Elijah in Luke is affected mainly by the detection of the many allusions to Elijah in connection with Jesus and, at the same time, by noting the absence of some associations of Elijah with John the Baptist familiar from the Gospel according to Mark. This twofold observation has brought many scholars to rethink whether or not Luke continues to present John as the Elijah who was to come. In Luke’s perspective, John is the Elijah promised by Malachi acting «in the spirit and power» of the Elijah of old. Luke, furthermore, agrees with Malachi that the promised messenger prepares for «the Lord». These and several other claims concerning the theme are proposed to the reader as the fruit both of the scholarly discussion and of an analysis of the appropriate Lucan texts in this monograph.
Contents: Status Quaestionis – The Need to Evaluate the John-Elijah Association in Luke’s Terms – The Origins of John the Baptist (Luke 1,5-25) – The Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1,68-79) – The Public Mission of John Narrated (Luke 3,1-20[22]) – The Lord’s Word for and about John (Luke 7,18-35) – Synthetic Considerations.

Jaroslav Rindos

Jaroslav Rindoš, SJ, from Plavnica (Slovakia), born in 1964, studied Theology at the Theological Faculty of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Bratislava. He earned the S.S.L. from the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome in 1996 – he also studied at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem – and the S.T.D. at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome in 2009. Before completing his thesis he taught biblical disciplines at the University of Trnava.

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