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Common Worship Lectionary: A Scripture Commentary

Year A

Common Worship Lectionary: A Scripture Commentary

Year A

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: SPCK Publishing
ISBN: 9780281053254
Number of Pages: 304
Published: 24/08/2001
Width: 15.6 cm
Height: 23.4 cm
Since the Common Worship Lectionary first came into use, many short preaching aids have been published. They have ranged from brief notes to almost complete sermons. This new companion offers an understanding of some points of significance in each lection for every Sunday and for other major days. It combines the latest scholarship with the conviction that the text should address today's world, squarely facing up to the difficulties that some passages may present to modern congregations. It does not aim to provide a substitute for sermon preparation, but to stimulate reflection among those engaged in this work. This is a serious academic commentary on the readings, by scholars who are also aware of the demands and purposes of preaching. The book provides the academic background knowledge essential for interpreting the texts; does not shirk difficult questions; stimulates the prospective preacher to see new ways of reading the text; covers the Anglican variations not dealt with in American commentaries.

Leslie Houlden

AUSTIN FARRER was Warden of Keble College, Oxford, from 1960 until his death in 1968. He was a Fellow of the British Academy. LESLIE HOULDEN was Professor of Theology at King's College, London. He retired in 1994.

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