Autistic Thinking in the Life of the Church
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Autism was only identified and recognised relatively recently, but even so one might have expected the church to have moved further in its thinking about how autistic thinking can contribute to the life of the church. At a time when churches exhibit a heightened awareness of 'inclusion' and recognition of difference in all manner of ways, it is startling how little attention is given to those who have autism.
Drawn from extensive research amongst autistic worshippers, Autistic Thinking in the Life of the Church develops and explores a model in which churches can strengthen and retain the cognitive engagement of those worshippers in their congregations who are on the autistic spectrum.
"All churches, locally and institutionally, should take note of this pastorally and theologically perceptive book. Putting into practice its findings will help churches develop communities of faith that are tolerant, generous, and inclusive. It will also help make a place in church life for those who, whether they know it or not, are on the autistic spectrum - or just "a bit different". -- Anthony Bash, Honorary Fellow, Durham University, UK
"This is an important book. For too long, research into autism-including theological research-has been shaped by the values of people who are not themselves autistic. It has been dominated by models that represent autism as a deficit, rather than as a difference. By contrast, this is the work of an autistic researcher, engaging in qualitative reflection with other autistic people. Together, they consider how autistic ways of thinking bring distinctive resources to the life of the church and think honestly about the challenges created by the expectations of non-autistic people. As an autistic Christian, and an autistic academic, I regard this as a vital contribution." -- Grant Macaskill, University of Aberdeen, UK
"…an important and insightful book…[It] will be helpful for church leaders who want to ensure they are providing a welcoming and inclusive environment which truly values everyone’s contribution as well as for autistic people themselves, their family and friends to help to navigate some of the big issues and questions of faith and Christianity.’" -- Carol Povey, National Autistic Society, UK