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New Wine in Old Wineskins

Evangelicals and Liberals in a Small-Town Church

New Wine in Old Wineskins

Evangelicals and Liberals in a Small-Town Church

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Paperback / softback


Publisher: University of California Press
ISBN: 9780520072046
Number of Pages: 367
Published: 10/09/1990
Exploring the roots of resurgent evangelicalism in the United States, Stephen Warner tells the story of one small-town church from 1959 to 1982, the Presbyterian Church of Mendocino, California. This book chronicles the actions of the men and women who struggled with and against one another to shape their church.
Prologue: Bicentennial Sunday in Mendocino 
Main Street 
E Pluribus Unum 
In God We Trust 
1. A Quarter Century Distilled 
The Complacent Fifties 
The Sixties: Numerical Decline and Organized Activism 
Conservative and Mainline Paths Diverge 
The Seventies: Mainline Decline and Conservative Growth 
Religious Institutions and Religious Movements 
Plan of the Book 
2. The Action in American Protestantism 
Evangelicalism Nascent in Mendocino, 1976 
Nascent and Institutional Religion 
Theological Warfare: Evangelicals Versus Liberals 
Interactions and Ironies 
3. Sojourn in the Field 
Preconceived Ideas 
Getting Started 
Self as Instrument 
The Emerging Picture 
4. Reorientation: Mendocino Presbyterian 1959-1970 
The Congregation in the 1950s 
Advent of the Sixties 
Liberalism Nascent 
The Gathering Storm 
5. From Mission to Parachurch: Antioch Fellowship, 1969-1973 
Mission to the Counterculture 
Evangelicals in the Nascent State 
Antioch Ranch as a Patriarchal Household 
Two Patterns of Recruitment
Converting the Neighborhood 
Fellowship of Independent Households 
The Fellowship and the Church 
6. A Hippie Commune Comes to Jesus: The Holy Land, 1969-1974 
Two Communards and their Patroness 
The Commune, 1970 
Mass Conversion, 1971-1972 
Spiritual Bootcamp, 1972-1974 
The Land and the Evangelical Community 
7. Evangelical Victory in the Church 
Liberal Exhaustion, Institutional Persistence 
Evangelical Mobilization 
Evangelicalism in the Institutional State 
8. Church Growth and Decline in Context 
Membership in Presbyterian Churches 
Explaining Church Growth and Decline 
Population Change as a Local Contextual Factor 
9. Beachhead for Christ: Mendocino Presbyterian, 1973-1976 
Worldly Evangelicalism 
Elective Parochialism 
Harvest of Souls 
10. Movement and Institution 
Ecclesiola in Ecclesia 
Wayward Sheep 
Whom to Serve 
11. Separate Ways 
"We Are a Church" 
12. The Shape of the Vessel 
The Cursillistas 
New Wine 
Step of Faith: The Youth Ministry 
Impact Outside the Church 
Conclusion: Of Wine and Wineskins 
Two Dimensions, Four Types, Twenty Years 
The Evangelical Ethic and the Spirit of Parochialism 
Political Implications 
Epilogue: 1986 

R.Stephen Warner

R. Stephen Warner is Professor of Sociology at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

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