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Common Worship: Holy Week and Easter

With Holy Communion Order One

Common Worship: Holy Week and Easter

With Holy Communion Order One

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Publisher: Church House Publishing
ISBN: 9780715121719
Number of Pages: 464
Published: 31/01/2011
Width: 22 cm
Height: 28 cm

During Holy Week and Easter, through participation in a whole sequence of services, Christians share in Christ’s own journey from the triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday to the empty tomb on Easter Day.

These are the richest liturgical days of the Christian year and this president’s volume contains all that is required for the differing services that are held in this ‘week of weeks’.

Full contents:

  • The Liturgy for Palm Sunday
  • The Passion Gospels arranged for dramatic reading
  • Texts for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Holy Week
  • The Liturgy for Maundy Thursday
  • The Liturgy of Good Friday
  • Dramatised and Continuous Passion Narratives
  • The scriptural Stations of the Cross and the Resurrection
  • Holy Communion Order One – in the centre of the book for ease of access
  • The Easter Liturgy in full
  • New musical settings for the Eucharistic prayers

Due to the significant amount of movement in the observances of Holy Week and Easter, this volume is bound in a square format for ease of use both at the altar and in procession.

Church of England

The Church of England uses two complementary sets of services authorised by the Church of England's canon law - Common Worship and the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. Common Worship (2000-2008) employs a more modern turn of phrase than the Book of Common Prayer, with vibrant images that seek to connect the biblical tradition with people's own experiences. It provides a common structure for Church of England services, but with a large variety of prayers, readings and resources that allow churches to tailor their services to their own setting.

"In this clear and simple volume, ready for use at the lectern and altar, the riches of Common Worship's commemoration of Holy Week and Easter is arranged and ordered for dramatic realisation in worship. This volume helps to transpose the words into liturgical drama and at the same time to let in imagination and local custom. There is a completeness and a simplicity to this setting out of the heart of the Christian year that will prove to be an invaluable gift to our worship." -- Canon Neil Thompson, Precentor, Rochester Cathedral


"This is an exciting and attractive publication combining all the rich and dramatic resources familiar to many each Holy Week and Easter. It is sturdy yet flexible enough to be used at the altar or when moving around church or processing during worship. I heartily commend it to all parishes, cathedrals and other places of worship." -- The Revd Christopher Woods, National Worship Officer and Secretary of the Liturgical Commission

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