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Rehearsing Scripture

Discovering God's word in community

Rehearsing Scripture

Discovering God's word in community

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Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich
ISBN: 9781786220738
Number of Pages: 224
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Popular preacher Anna Carter Florence explores how to read, encounter and interpret Scripture as it was originally intended - by doing so collectively with others.

Drawing on practices from drama and the theatre, she shows how to bring familiar texts to life, uncovering meaning and better apprehending biblical truth for daily life.

Her methods are illuminating, easy to grasp, and easily adaptable to a variety of contexts - ideal for study group leaders and pastors seeking to bring the Bible and the real lives of congregations into conversation.

Full of helps for preachers especially, Rehearsing Scripture invites groups and churches to gather around a shared text and encounter God anew together.

Anna Carter Florence

Anna Carter Florence is Associate Professor of Preaching and Worship at Columbia Theological Seminary. She is a frequent speaker and lecturer at churches and conferences, and is a favourite at the Festival of Homiletics. She edited Inscribing the Text, a collection of Walter Brueggemann’s sermons.

This book is a gorgeous invitation to experience the Bible as a living thing. Anna Carter Florence nudges the reader, saying 'Can you feel the breath of it on your skin? Can you see how it moves? Can you hear what it's saying in your own ear? Can you taste both the bitter and the sweet?' She knows that if we do this, Scripture will always, always hand over the goods. I'm so grateful for her work, her love of the Bible, and her insistence that in it we find truth. -- Nadia Bolz-Weber Anna Carter Florence issues a cunning, compelling invitation to her readers, namely, to recover the reading of Scripture as a communal, oral, contextual, dramatic enterprise-as though in a theater. This book is a rich resource for church folk (clergy and laity) who clamor for 'more Bible' but do not know how to get it. This is how to do it! -- Walter Brueggemann

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