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Unfolding the Living Word

New Kyries, Canticles, Gospel Acclamations and Collects for Holy Communion

Unfolding the Living Word

New Kyries, Canticles, Gospel Acclamations and Collects for Holy Communion

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Publisher: Canterbury Press Norwich
ISBN: 9781848252752
Number of Pages: 398
Published: 21/12/2012
Width: 13.5 cm
Height: 21.6 cm

Within the Common Worship order for Holy Communion, there is a core of texts and material which must be said or done in order that the service can be recognized as authentic. However, there are other variants which may be used. This book provides new alternative texts for those variable points in the liturgy to refresh the celebration of Holy Communion.

For each Sunday of Years A, B & C there are new liturgical texts for the Kyrie eleison, the psalm, the acclamation that introduces the Gospel of the day, and an additional collect which could be used at the end of the sermon or after the distribution of communion.

Very few writers have the poetic sensibility and ability to take ordinary language and imagery and create prayers and responses of beauty and depth. Rooted in the tradition of scriptural imagery and metaphor for speaking of God, Jim Cotter's poetic richness will enlarge our imagination and capacity for worship.

Jim Cotter

Jim Cotter was an Anglican priest, retreat leader and one of the most creative liturgists of our day. He was previously a lecturer at Lincoln Theological College and Chaplain of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge. For 25 years he successfully ran Cairns Publications. Until shortly before his death in 2014 he lived in R S Thomas' former parish in North Wales

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